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View A/B Test Data with Experiment Results

View A/B Test Data with Experiment Results

Learn how to view A/B testing data in Experiment Results that was generated by your own feature flagging platform. [Video]

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About this course

Welcome! This video introduces you to Experiment Results, our product experimentation tool that allows you to pair your own feature flagging tool with Amplitude’s analysis tools built for Experiment. Experiment Results allows product, engineering, and data science teams to come together to run experiments on product changes, in order to determine whether a change will have the intended impact, while still using the A/B tracking data generated by their own feature flagging platform. This course is designed for anyone who is interested in learning the basics of how to use Experiment Results.

In this course, you will learn:

  • How to set up and analyze A/B test data using Experiment Results

Time commitment: 7 minutes

You should take this course if: You are an Experiment customer with your own feature flagging platform and want to know how to use your A/B tracking data within Experiment Results.

Interested in learning more? Start with our course, Getting Started with Experiment

About this course

Welcome! This video introduces you to Experiment Results, our product experimentation tool that allows you to pair your own feature flagging tool with Amplitude’s analysis tools built for Experiment. Experiment Results allows product, engineering, and data science teams to come together to run experiments on product changes, in order to determine whether a change will have the intended impact, while still using the A/B tracking data generated by their own feature flagging platform. This course is designed for anyone who is interested in learning the basics of how to use Experiment Results.

In this course, you will learn:

  • How to set up and analyze A/B test data using Experiment Results

Time commitment: 7 minutes

You should take this course if: You are an Experiment customer with your own feature flagging platform and want to know how to use your A/B tracking data within Experiment Results.

Interested in learning more? Start with our course, Getting Started with Experiment

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